or your money back

Will I have to be at the show to win?
The final weigh in will be taken at the Indiana Muscle in May of 2023, you do not have to be in attendance but we will go off your last checking that is verified by a staff member, and someone in the top 5 that shows up will have a advantage over you.
How many will be chosen to come to the Indiana Muscle?
The Top 5 People
Where can the Facebook Group be found?www.facebook.com/groups/1549415012205269/
How will I know if I am the top 5?
We will send out a monthly update on the top 5 every month via text message
How is the prize broke down?
-$2500 in cash
-$1200 worth of supplements ($100 per month for 12 months)
-1 Year worth of Muve Coaching $100 per month for 12 months credit
-Check to pay for your gym membership for one year of your membership (Max $25 a month)
When will the swag bags be delivered to your local location?
Bags will be delivered to your local store the week after the 15th, after everyone had checked in for the 1st time.
How will weight loss be measured?
Weight Loss will be measured on a percentage of weight loss during the challenge. It is being calculated this way to take into account people that have more to lose than others.
Important Dates:
- Last Day to do your first checkin: January 15th
- Contest will last to May 20th 2023 (We want you to have a lifestyle change, not just loss weight)